Analytical Coding

The article reports coding techniques widely applied in sociological researches with the help of the qualitative data analysis software as a specific method for instrumental concordance by sociologist of natural language evidences provided by informants. We argue that a short- coming of these techniques is the instrumental weakness of the coding tool. We propose the methods of analytical coding that make the relationships widely used in contemporary programming (modularity, inheritance, visualization, compilation, etc.) practically accessible for sociologist during conceptualizing materials supplied by informants. Using the example of the conceptualization of the informant's textual evidence, we demonstrate how the proposed methods allow the sociologist to elaborate and integrate natural language statements based on textual evidence, compile coding results in the form of semantic network, visualize the entire process of operating informants’ utterances.

For citation: Kanygin G.V., Koretskaya V.S. Analytical Coding. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2018. N. 10. P. 99-121. DOI: 10.25990/socinstras.pss-10.3cey-t187

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