Practices of informal employment of workers in the labor market in the Russian context

The growth of informal employment recorded by Rosstat in recent years is a matter of concern for both policy-makers and labor market researchers. The article analyzes, based on official statistical data, a number of cases in which the informants worked in the informal sector, and / or combined formal and informal employment, at micro level of text analysis of interviews. The research material is from the project “Trajectories of life courses for Petersburgers in post-Soviet Russia: intergenerational analysis 2014-2017” Informal practices are seen as compromises of formal rules and social norms, the diversity of which is due to the inefficiency labor legislation, the weakness and selectivity of the fiscal control of their enforcement.. Low quality of the institutional environment while the formal sector is reduced or at risk of reduction encourages both employers and employees to informal practices and to cope with their difficulties outside the government regulations.

For citation: Eremicheva G.V., Mannila S. Practices of informal employment of workers in the labor market in the Russian context. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 12. P. 47-74. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-12.68yt-n038

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