Sociological knowledge as a result of the synthesis of formal and informal methods of studying societyлфт

Sociological knowledge is created by sociologists who, in one way or another, are forced to interpret latent knowledge of various actors. In an attempt to overcome these problems, formal methods of non-numerical statistics and informal methods in the form of literary theories developed. In one way or another, these approaches have modeled social knowledge, which is actually studied by sociologists. However, advanced computer platforms for a variety of communication make it possible to create applications that allow social actors to independently describe their latent knowledge and thereby form social knowledge. This article describes how you can establish connections between certain aspects of knowledge using the program Diagogue created by the authors, using the example of conceptualizing an article annotation.

For citation: Kanygin G.V., Poltinnikova M.S. Sociological knowledge as a result of the synthesis of formal and informal methods of studying societyлфт. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2020. N. 13/14. P. 224-234. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-13-14.wmt0-7638

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