2023. N 19

Labor and Organization Sociology

Involution of labor protests in Russia

The article is based on the materials of the project “Monitoring of labor protests”, which collected information on protests for fifteen years — from 2008 to 2022. It discusses ways, i.e. forms of action of employees defending their interests in a public conflict with the employer, i.e. as part of a labor protest. The main feature of the situation is that the country has a “prohibitive” law on strikes, as experts call it. Not being able to express disagreement with the employer by legal means, employees are forced to look for some other ways to express their demands. The set of forms of protest is varied from the simplest, such as making claims, to the ultra-radical ones — hunger strikes, blocking highways, etc. In addition to them, there are also rallies, work stoppages, but some of them are used more often, while others are less common. Moreover, the frequency of use of forms varies from year to year. The article attempts to explain the reasons for choosing some and rejecting other forms. The main conclusion is that institutional forms are used less and less, and the parties to labor conflicts do not act according to the rules, but spontaneously, in the “ad hoc” style. Such a movement from institutionality to spontaneity is a development in the opposite direction, i.e. involution.


Sociology of Health

Factors influencing the involvement of different population groups in the use of remote consultations

Today, the development of telemedicine and remote medical consultations (RMC) is considered as one of the key areas of healthcare digitalization in our country. However, the success of digitalization should be measured by the volume of demand, and therefore it becomes an important task to study the need and readiness of different social groups to turn to such ways of interacting with a doctor. The presented article is devoted to the identification and description of the main socio-demographic factors that determine the involvement of different groups of the population in the use of RMC. The data were obtained in the course of a sociological study carried out in a combined strategy. At the first stage, in-depth interviews (n = 90) were conducted with residents of large Russian cities using digital technologies to take care of their health and receive medical care. At the second stage, a public opinion survey was conducted among residents of St. Petersburg on the use of such technologies in order to maintain and maintain health, including the appeal to the RMC (n = 861). As a result, it was found that residents of St. Petersburg rarely resort to RMC (74% have never consulted a doctor remotely). This is due, firstly, to the avoidance of going to the doctor and attempts at self-treatment, and secondly, to the distrust of new digital technologies and the general distrust of the healthcare system. At the same time, those groups that are most in need of new ways of communicating with a doctor (the elderly and low-income people) are the least included in the use of RMC.


Sociology of Culture

Graphic design in the optics of semiotics and understanding sociology

The article analyzes the features of graphic design as a special form endowed with its own abstract interpretation and inner meaning. From this point of view, structuralism and understanding sociology allows the researcher to understand not only what is the specificity of semiotics or a communication act between the author of a graphic symbol and the bearer of this symbol, but also enables the researcher to understand how the sign is able to influence certain actions of the bearers of symbols. This article discusses the approaches by which graphic design can be studied, and how it can be interpreted based on the structural elements of a graphic symbol, by superimposing structuralism and understanding sociology.


Between the market and history: practices of illegal archeology. A sociological view of the everyday life of a digger

Connoisseurs of the old look through online stores, large markets, auctions in order to find interesting artifacts of the past. In most cases, these items come from amateur archaeologists, often referred to as black diggers. Thus, the work examines the activities of a community of diggers that is hardly noticeable to the average person, but is non the less widespread. They can be found not only in the fields near cities and in ruined villages, but also in rugged mountain and forest areas. The group of diggers is heterogeneous both in terms of place and methods of searching, and in relation to finds and embeddedness in the antiquities market. The illegal status of digging activities creates ambiguity in their assessment and makes it difficult to study. In Russian academic works, there is a popular point of view about the need to counteract unlicensed excavations with the help of punitive measures. However, normative and disciplinary studies and judgments cannot explain how this activity is organized, how its participants are recruited, what is their motivation and internal segmentation, what are the ways of embedding in the market, and what is the significance of the found objects for diggers and outside observers. To answer these questions, it is necessary to conduct a sociological study without giving an evaluative color. The paper describes the motives for engaging in digging activities, attitudes towards finds and ways of searching within the actor-network interaction. Moral legitimations, the community of diggers, how the integration into the antiquities market takes place, as well as how the evaluation and sale of finds is carried out are also considered.


Biography and society

(Auto)biographies of modern citizens born in 1945 as a source of information on the social anthropology of Leningrad — St. Petersburg

The article provides an analytical and generalizing review of the hundred (auto) biographical sketches of modern residents of St. Petersburg born in 1945, published in the collection “Peers of Victory: stories of our readers” (TSGPB named after V. V. Mayakovsky, 2020). The scientific relevance of the publication lies in the enduring value of primary personal autobiographical and biographical materials as sources of information not only about the circumstances of the life of the current residents of St. Petersburg, born in 1945, but also about their perception, experience of the stages of this life, about the representation in their minds of its “meaning”. The main value of the materials of the collection is in the social and cultural, psychological diversity, diversity of character and the memories presented in it, and their authors. Thanks to this, the collection can be used as a source by representatives of many social sciences and humanities. It should be borne in mind, however, that a certain set of tone, content and forms of memories is characteristic of the collection, because the selection and primary editing was carried out in libraries that collected memories.


The first historian of Russian athletics Oscar Bushman

The article is devoted to the life and social (sports and organizational) activities of Oscar Bushman (1894-1983). On the example of his life path, which covered his youth in pre-Soviet Russia and big activity on the fractures of more than six decades of Soviet time, the promotion of an ordinary person from the bottom of society as a significant public and sports figure is shown. This activity began with participation in sports events, then combined with organizational efforts, including organizing competitions, organizing refereeing, organizing the construction of sports facilities, coaching, and ended with the creation of the Sports Veterans Council and the Museum of Physical Culture and Sports of Leningrad.