2024. N 25

Methods of data analysis

Narrative and its Epistemological Features

The article opens a cycle of five works that analyze the epistemological features of narrative as a tool for structuring social information based on its meanings. The article formulates research hypotheses that are common to all works in the cycle: on the expression of the semantic structure of narrative in an implicit form; on the semantic decomposition of the plot of the narrative; on the expression of latent knowledge through text; on the possibility of generating the semantic unity of narrative in the form of its semantic structure; on the existence of narratives of different types. The presentation is based on the disclosure of the concept of “semantic operation”, emphasizing the specificity of verbal narration as a practically used tool that allows a person to manifest his latent knowledge through a grammatically structured text. Among the key epistemological features of narrative, formulated in the article: the possibility of overcoming with its help the paradigmatic limitations of natural scientific approaches; pragmatic use of skills as a semantic justification for narrative; the transient nature of the textual method of expressing latent human knowledge. Proposals are formulated to improve the functional capabilities of social information analysis based on meanings by creating a structural narrative. The structural narrative is presented as a conceptual basis for new information and communication technologies that provide their users with the functionality of modern ontological methods when operating social information based on meanings.


Sociology of the city / Man and environment

St. Petersburg Residents’ Visions of a Perfect Urban Environment (using Ligovka-Yamskaya Municipal District as an Example)

The study investigates residents’ perceptions of the urban environment in the Ligovka-Yamskaya Municipal District through in-depth interviews and mental mapping. It examines views on infrastructure, public spaces, safety, and visions of an ideal urban landscape. The findings highlight the benefits of the district’s central location, transport network, and cultural landmarks, as well as issues with the lack of green spaces and aging infrastructure. Recommendations include expanding parks, updating infrastructure, and promoting non-motorized transport. It also suggests enhancing cultural and community engagement through the revitalization of historical sites and volunteer initiatives. The study emphasizes the importance of sustainable development, improving living conditions, and strengthening community ties.


Sociology of Culture

Communication of Older People in Social Networks: The Role of Visual Images in Overcoming Loneliness

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the interaction of older people using photographs and other visual content in the online space of social networks. The study is based on biographical interviews with a group of older people from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (N = 30). During these interviews, participants shared their personal stories and talked about how visual images and photographs affect their interaction on social media. They discussed how these images help them feel connected to other users of online platforms and how they help them cope with feelings of isolation and loneliness. One of the key findings of the study is that visual images posted by older people on social networks play a significant role in shaping their individual identity and self-representation. These images not only serve as a means of expressing personality, but also contribute to the creation of community and solidarity in the online community of older people. In addition, they serve as a protective mechanism, helping to minimize the negative emotional consequences of loneliness and providing a foothold in difficult situations. An equally important result of the study is the identification that communication through visual images in social networks contributes to the active expansion of the circle of communication of older people. Thanks to this, they have the opportunity to establish new connections, share experiences and ideas, which is important for maintaining psychological well-being and social integration.


Gaming Masculinity: Masculinity Norms Perception by Cybersportsmen-HSE Students

The topic of masculinity, its forms and components has been an object of interest for researchers for a long time by now. In every group masculinity manifests itself in its own distinct way. Amongst other groups cyber sportsmen are a special one, relatively young, but already attracts attention of the researchers. The students of Higher School of Economics are a distinct group as well, which hasn’t been studied neither in terms of masculinity, nor in terms of gaming. So, the research question is: “How gamers from HSE cyber sport club perceive masculinity norms?” The methods applied here are approximately 10 semi-structured interviews with the “HSE OTTERS” club.


Labor and Organization Sociology

Professional IT-community: features of subculture and interaction practices

The data of the empirical study allowed us to identify the main elements of the professional subculture of the IT community, the characteristics of relationships, formal and informal interaction practices. The analysis of the professional biographies of specialists showed that the recent trend is the training of specialists by IT companies for the needs of the company in the format of internships. It was revealed that for representatives of the IT community, an important value in working relationships is mutual respect and the creation of a non-toxic environment, the formation of areas of responsibility based on the principle of transparency. The data obtained showed that the predominance of young employees in the IT community and informal relationships in the work team can be a barrier to building a strictly formalized order. The history of the company and the products it develops are of great importance for the formation of a professional community.



How to Study the Economic Elite, or What the Insanely Rich Russians Think about Themselves. Book Review: Schimpfossl E. Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie. Moscow: Individuum, 2022, 352 p

The paper presents a review of the book by the famous Austrian sociologist Elizabeth Schimpfossl “Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie”, which was translated into Russian in 2022. Using a lot of empirical material, the author of the monograph attempts to answer the main question: what the oligarchs think about themselves? The sociologist draws attention to the state of the research field in Russia in terms of studying the Russian elite and provides the reader with a detailed description of how the formation and isolation of the Russian elite takes place, how these processes are related to family history, philanthropy, gender relations, and the younger generation.