Social groups and measurements of their living standard at post-communist countries of Europe

The article is devoted to analyses of estimations of living standard of households in 13 post-communist European countries received with questionnaire survey, the respondent’s character of labor is used to determine his/her belonging to certain social group in each country. Subjective scaled estimates of each group actual living standard and its dynamics (self- and cross-group estimates) are interpreted as a measure of relative deprivation and feeling of inequality in the social groups and countries. The ranking of countries and social groups is fulfilled on the basis of their standard of living and level of inequality. These data used for characteristic of social situations in countries, to determine their specific/common features too.

For citation: Kornev N.R. Social groups and measurements of their living standard at post-communist countries of Europe. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2010. N. 2. P. 286-309.
