Interaction of Households of Direct Relatives of Defferent Generations: Methodological Aspect

Noting the shortage of modern applied sociological research of the All-Russian scale on family problems and intergenerational relations, the author concentrates his attention on the methodological aspects of such projects. Such issues as determination of the object, sampling, survey program, methods of analysis and modeling are discussed. It is made the attempt to compare the contents of definitions: “extended family” and “family group”. The problem of family groups is considered in the context of the life line as a sequential chain of events: a) the individual is separated from the parent family; b) union with a partner. There is a possible violation of this sequence, especially in the Russian conditions. The importance of constructing logit-models in connection with the widening of the range of choice in the behavior ofindividuals with regard to marriage, registration of marriage, the birth of a child or abandonment of children, etc. are underlined.

For citation: Eliseeva I.I. Interaction of Households of Direct Relatives of Defferent Generations: Methodological Aspect. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2017. N. 8. P. 179-196.


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