Forms of Marriage in Contemporary Russia: Comparison of Socio-Demographic Characteristics

Within the framework of the evolutionary approach, changes in family relations, including in Russia, are being considered. The diversity of forms of marriage in this context becomes an element of the modern family system and is the result of the transformational processes of the institutions of family and marriage.. Possible variants of marriage are described using the term “partnership”, differentiated by the criteria of availability of previous relationships, registration, localization of partners, their gender. Based on the data of the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population of the Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE), the most common types of marriages are distinguished: cohabitation (first/repeated), marriage (first/remarriage), socio-demographic indicators of representatives of these family groups are compared. For comparison, besides the basic indicators (age, education level, income, employment, professional status), additional (number of children, duration of residence) are used. Discriminant analysis reveals the factors that determine the individual's belonging to a particular family group.

For citation: Egorova N.Yu. Forms of Marriage in Contemporary Russia: Comparison of Socio-Demographic Characteristics . St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 11. P. 81-98. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-11.dzqg-qt56

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