Autobiographical Narrative on Orphanhood: Key Categories and Structures

The analysis of interviews with young people who have orphan experience reveals a special type of narrative strategy of presenting their lives — biography as overcoming. The orphanhood is represented through implicit narrative categories. The main is “lack of agency”, which appears as the inability to make independent decisions, lack of understanding, lack or incompleteness of ownership rights and disposition of personal property, etc. Also, the narratives show the category of “homelessness” as well as an extremely complex category of “kinship”. Overcoming can be understood as the acquisition of agency through vocational education, getting your own home, “reconciliation” (often imaginary) with blood parents. Due to the age and social situation of the respondents, the beginning of professional activity partly determines the choice of the identified narrative strategy.

For citation: Galushina N.S. Autobiographical Narrative on Orphanhood: Key Categories and Structures. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 11. P. 144-163. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-11.cht7-eb18

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