The potential of the sociocultural model in studies of the labor behavior of hired workers in modern Russia

Employment behavior may be investigated using different theories and models. The structural and functional approach may be adequately used as models for study of employment behavior in conditions of stable societies. In transforming societies to which Russia belongs, those models that take into account the contradictory clash of traditions and innovations, pro-Western and pro-Soviet value orientations in the sphere of labor are relevant. A sociocultural model in which culture is viewed as a way to implement subjective ideas, thoughts, abilities, and intentions of workers, while the social one reflects objective conditions, frameworks, boundaries, structure as a whole, can be considered as one of the most promising in studies of employment behavior of workers in the transforming Russian society. Sociological studies conducted using the socio-cultural model suggest the lack of such important characteristics of employment behavior as confidence in employment, work independence, terminal oriented attitudes towards labor.

For citation: Temnitskiy A.L. The potential of the sociocultural model in studies of the labor behavior of hired workers in modern Russia. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 12. P. 93-113. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-12.n49f-5638

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