Intergenerational relationship in incomplete and complete families

The article examines intergenerational relationships in incomplete and complete families. The information base was compiled by the materials of the Rosstat survey “Comprehensive observation of living conditions of the population 2018”. The financial situation of incomplete and complete families is unsatisfactory. Monetary incomes “do not reach” the socially acceptable consumer budget and are mainly spent on satisfying the essential needs of life. The intergenerational relationship between parents and children remains close, as evidenced by their mutual support. With the same structure of assistance to the older generation, differences in its provision by children from incomplete and complete families appeared. Urban children from single-parent families, first of all, provide instrumental assistance to their parents, while rural children provide housekeeping help. Parents are a support for both the young and the older generations of the family. Support for the young is reduced to financial transfers, for the older generation — to the daily care of elderly family members. The performed analysis allows us to draw a conclusion about the similarity of intergenerational relations in urban and rural incomplete families of different types, while the differences are between incomplete and complete families.

For citation: Burmykina O.N. Intergenerational relationship in incomplete and complete families. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2021. N. 15. P. 20-35. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-15.rwv2-7r31

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