The first historian of Russian athletics Oscar Bushman

The article is devoted to the life and social (sports and organizational) activities of Oscar Bushman (1894-1983). On the example of his life path, which covered his youth in pre-Soviet Russia and big activity on the fractures of more than six decades of Soviet time, the promotion of an ordinary person from the bottom of society as a significant public and sports figure is shown. This activity began with participation in sports events, then combined with organizational efforts, including organizing competitions, organizing refereeing, organizing the construction of sports facilities, coaching, and ended with the creation of the Sports Veterans Council and the Museum of Physical Culture and Sports of Leningrad.

For citation: Vyzhevsky S.V. The first historian of Russian athletics Oscar Bushman. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 19. P. 113-135. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-19.vqff-p285

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