Environmental Policy of China and Russia: first steps towards the formation of anti-risk national behavior

Environmental problems around the world often turn out to be technogenic and social challenges. Russia and China are among the countries where these problems are extremely acute, as evidenced by the positions of both ones in international ratings. The authors compares the directions implemented by these countries in the field of environmental policy. The main task is to maintain a balance of interests of all its subjects and develop anti-risk national behavior in most countries of the world. As a methodological basis for analyzing the achievements of Chinese and Russian environmental policy, the theory of environmental modernization is used, which allows to evaluate systematically innovations that determine the social component in each country, designating the main as change in the consciousness of each person. The analysis showed that both countries are on the transition to a qualitatively new stage: the transformation of consumer behavior into a “responsible” one that meets the requirements of world environmental policy. But they have not yet been able to achieve the indicators of international ratings of developed countries. Although, on the whole, in terms of “natural” indicators, Russia’s place is slightly higher than China’s, but all indicators are below the average level. Environmental concerns have become part of national policies in both countries, as evidenced by noticeable positive developments in environmental performance. However, the observed passivity from the side of public control predetermines the lack of success in both countries, preventing their governments from fully realizing their potential. The severity of the problem urgently requires the inclusion of government agencies, enterprises, charitable organizations and each person.

For citation: Eremicheva G.V., Menshikova G.A., Puyang Yao Environmental Policy of China and Russia: first steps towards the formation of anti-risk national behavior. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 20. P. 28-44. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-20.kwpk-5442

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