Reading Practices in the Context of Communication Processes Transformation

The article dwells on current trends in the dynamics of reading practices and describes the traditions of theoretical and empirical research conducted in this area. The results of representative surveys indicate the emergence of age-related differences in reading practices, concerning not only the pragmatic reasons for choosing a reading format (digital / paper), but also the subject’s attitudes that predetermine the emergence of interest in a book, evaluation of its content and further translation of perceived meanings. Among the most compelling reasons for the observed age differentiation are not only the technical and technological consequences of the information and communication sphere development, but also profound transformations of the sociocultural context, worldviews and individual value orientations of different generations representatives. A pilot study conducted with an online survey allowed us to identify promising directions for further research, the main of which is the analysis of age and demographic differences in the ways of interaction with the social environment, the involvement of closely related ties in the processes of selection, interpretation and translation of literary heritage.

For citation: Titov V.I., Boyarkina S.I. Reading Practices in the Context of Communication Processes Transformation. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 21. P. 89-107. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-21.dqdx-s350



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